Update History

Version 5.1.0 - 6th September 2023

- Added: TLS version 1.3.
- Added: 38 new WebMail languages.
- Updated: OpenSSL to version 3.1.2.
- Updated: SSL will now use the highest possible version instead of a specified SSL Mode. Supported versions are SSLv3, TLSv1.0, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3.
- Updated: SSL Mode replaced by Use SSL checkbox for Outgoing Mails, Static Route, Automatic POP3 Retrieval and User POP3 Retrieval.
- Updated: SSL Mode replaced by Use SSL checkbox for User POP3 Retrieval in the WebMail interface.
- Updated: WebMail folder view to always show the full email address.
- Updated: WebMail Angular version from 13 to 16.
- Removed: SSL Mode for SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, WebMail, LDAP and Remote Admin.
- Removed: SSL version 2.
- Fixed: WebMail Printable and Source views.
- Fixed: Admin dialog interface graphic scaling when Windows display scale is changed.

Version 5.0.2 - 16th May 2022

- Fixed: Admin dialog interface graphic sizes.
- Fixed: WebMail Printable and Source views.
- Fixed: WebMail view email page date field.
- Fixed: WebMail select all and move to folder no longer leaves select all checked.
- Fixed: WebMail rename folder to same text but different case.
- Fixed: WebMail compose correctly flags emails with attachments.

Version 5.0.1 - 21st February 2022

- Fixed: WebMail Anti-bot Security Code Graphic for login and register pages.
- Fixed: WebMail form validation wording.

Version 5.0.0 - 16th January 2022

- Added: WebMail folder list filter.
- Updated: WebMail to Angular 13.
- Updated: WebMail number of languages increased from 52 to 89.
- Updated: WebMail folders ordered by special folders first then alphabetical.
- Updated: WebMail move emails modal now auto-focuses the folder filter.
- Updated: WebMail date format.
- Updated: WebMail Email page 'Close' button renamed to 'Back to Messages'.
- Updated: WebMail auto-signups now requires at least one signup domain.
- Updated: AMS Transfer tool migrates user language (e.g. en-US to en).
- Fixed: AMS Transfer tool now correctly migrates users and groups.
- Fixed: Remote Admin 'language is invalid' error could prevent saving.
- Fixed: WebMail Edit Address Book Entry didn't load the correct fields.
- Fixed: WebMail compose message body click didn't always focus the edit area.
- Fixed: WebMail new folders didn't appear in move email folder list straight away.
- Fixed: WebMail large numbers were sometimes wrongly converted.
- Fixed: WebMail mobile menu options didn't align correctly when hovered.
- Fixed: WebMail logout now shows a loading spinner.

Version 4.3.0 - 1st September 2020

- Added: LDAP Auto-Compile to rebuild all LDAP databases at a specified interval.
- Updated: ESET Security approved antivirus scanner settings.

Version 4.2.9 - 3rd January 2020

- Updated: Default SSL Modes to TLS v1.2.
- Fixed: WebMail folder paging.
- Fixed: Outgoing Mails settings saving.

Version 4.2.8 - 12th December 2019

- Updated: OpenSSL to version 1.0.2L.
- Fixed: Outgoing Mails and POP3 Retrievals TLS v1.1 and v1.2 SSL modes.
- Fixed: Remote Admin Reverse IP Lookup entry editing.

Version 4.2.7 - 10th June 2019

- Added: Service watchdog connection monitor to restart the application if services become unresponsive.
- Added: SORBS preset RBL.
- Updated: OpenSSL to version 1.0.2s.
- Updated: Default user account options to save sent and deleted emails.
- Fixed: Remote Admin IP of Host entry editing.

Version 4.2.6 - 6th September 2018

- Updated: SSL certificate private key length to 4096 bits.
- Updated: OpenSSL to version 1.0.2L.

Version 4.2.5 - 4th June 2018

- Updated: SPAM Host List filter to allow wildcard host name matching.
- Updated: OpenSSL to version 1.0.2o.

Version 4.2.4 - 21st September 2017

- Added: WebMail HTML compose bar Add Url Link button to insert hyperlinks.
- Updated: Anti-hammering now also triggers for incomplete AUTH logins.
- Fixed: SMTP Anti-hammering didn't always block on connect when triggered.
- Fixed: WebMail didn't show Group enabled Shared Address Books.
- Fixed: WebMail File Store downloads contained incomplete content.

Version 4.2.3 - 10th July 2017

- Added: Outgoing Mail recipient failure logging.
- Added: Outgoing Mail execute application on recipient failure.
- Added: Content / Antivirus Filter Action 'Convert Text Content to HTML' to generate a HTML section for plain-text only emails.
- Updated: Content / Antivirus Filter Action 'Add Signature' can now use User Personal Information field tags.
- Updated: OpenSSL to version 1.0.2L.
- Updated: WebMail Domain Admins can now edit User Personal Information.
- Updated: WebMail Log Out button is now on the main title bar instead of under a username drop down for easier access.
- Updated: WebMail action buttons now appear on the title bar as well as the bottom of the form for easier access.
- Updated: WebMail Sessions setting 'Delete Draft Mails After Sending' is now enabled by default for new installations.
- Removed: WebMail Sessions setting 'Restrict Session ID Access to the IP used During Login' as this is now always enabled.
- Fixed: Outgoing Mail failed recipient deliveries are now always retried unless only 5xx permanent errors are given.
- Fixed: WebMail content "Are you want to..." updated to "Are you sure you want to..." with all appropriate translations.

Version 4.2.2 - 23rd March 2017

- Added: Outgoing Mail setting to try implicit SSL on a separate port before other delivery methods.
- Updated: OpenSSL to version 1.0.2k.
- Updated: Common Runtime Files installation to Visual C++ Redistributable 2015.
- Updated: Sender Policy Framework (SPF) host lookup limit raised from 10 to 20.
- Fixed: Outgoing Mail delivery failure messages weren't always sent to the sender.
- Fixed: Mailing List max triggers per day must be greater than 0.

Version 4.2.1 - 24th November 2016

- Updated: License validation will now work offline after first successful online validation.
- Updated: OpenSSL to version 1.0.2j.
- Updated: WebMail loading spinner no longer blocks UI interaction.

Version 4.2.0 - 26th September 2016

- Fixed: WebMail Internet Explorer compatibility.
- Fixed: ODBC compatibility.

Version 4.1.9 - 14th September 2016

- Updated: WebMail Email view styling is now more consistent.
- Fixed: WebMail scrolling didn't always work correctly.
- Fixed: Windows XP and 2003 compatibility.

Version 4.1.8 - 12th September 2016

- Added: WebMail user quota information to the footer of the Folder view.
- Added: WebMail setting Enable Password Resetting to allow hiding of the forgotten password link on the Login page.
- Added: WebMail language German (Switzerland).
- Updated: WebMail language translations for German (Germany).
- Updated: WebMail Account Options password resetting section is only shown if the user can edit passwords.
- Updated: WebMail mobile views improved with larger buttons and better menu configurations.
- Updated: WebMail paging is now clearer and shows in both the header and footer of the Folder view.
- Updated: Remote Admin title to include the Ability Mail Server version number.
- Fixed: SSL Import Certificate was not working correctly.

Version 4.1.7 - 12th July 2016

- Updated: License will now default to Free edition if not already validated and the license server cannot be reached.
- Fixed: WebMail Address Book Contact modal window layout in mobile view.

Version 4.1.6 - 30th June 2016

- Fixed: WebMail browser compatibility issues on Windows versions of Chrome, Edge, Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera.
- Fixed: WebMail delete Domain Admin User didn't work correctly.
- Fixed: WebMail delete Custom Filter for the top item didn't work correctly.
- Fixed: WebMail delete POP3 Retrieval for the top item didn't work correctly.
- Fixed: Various minor WebMail interface issues.

Version 4.1.5 - 29th June 2016

- Added: WebMail UTF-8 support for composing using wide character sets like Chinese.
- Removed: User WebMail Options setting 'Composed Mails Character Encoding'.
- Removed: WebMail Account Options setting 'Character encoding'.

Version 4.1.4 - 27th June 2016

- Added: SPAM Host List filter to block IPs that use particular host names for Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.
- Updated: WebMail Web.config is no longer replaced during installation to allow modifications.
- Fixed: WebMail Internet Explorer and Edge API caching issues.

Version 4.1.3 - 24th June 2016

- Added: Multiple port binding for all listening services.
- Added: WebMail 'config.json' setting 'domains' to optionally override the domains used on the Login page.
- Updated: SMTP default port to '25;587'.
- Updated: WebMail now has an 'index.cdn.html' page that can be used to replace 'index.html' to use a content delivery network (CDN).
- Fixed: WebMail date formatting was not consistent accross different devices and browsers.
- Fixed: WebMail Internet Explorer and Edge scrollbar could overlap the page content.
- Fixed: Various minor WebMail interface issues.

Version 4.1.2 - 22nd June 2016

- Added: SPAM Black List, White List, Grey List Safe List and SPF Safe List option 'Host / Domain Matches (*s Allowed)'.
- Updated: WebMail external dependencies to the latest versions.
- Updated: WebMail 'index.html' now has commented out content delivery network (CDN) locations for external dependencies.
- Fixed: WebMail Internet Explorer and Edge browser compatibility issues.
- Fixed: Outgoing Mail no longer tries to resend failed emails unless temporary errors (4xx) are given.

Version 4.1.1 - 21st June 2016

- Added: WebMail Login page after session has expired now contains a redirect url.
- Updated: WebMail Folder and Email page mobile view menu icons spaced bigger and with drop down menus.
- Fixed: WebMail Compose page attachment icon was not always shown correctly.
- Fixed: WebMail Login page after session has expired was not always shown correctly.
- Fixed: Various minor WebMail interface issues.

Version 4.1.0 - 16th June 2016

- Official release of Ability Mail Server 4.
- Added: WebMail multi-language support for 52 different languages.
- Added: WebMail Compose HTML bar button to upload and insert a local image.
- Added: WebMail Compose HTML bar button to insert a remote image.
- Added: WebMail Folder page now refreshes to show email changes periodically.
- Added: WebMail Account Options setting 'Language'.
- Added: User WebMail Options setting 'Language'.
- Fixed: WebMail Desktop layout Folder page now correctly highlights the current folder.
- Fixed: Various minor WebMail interface issues.

Version 4.0.0b - 2nd June 2016

- Initial beta release of Ability Mail Server 4.
- Added: Version 2 / 3 to 4 transfer tool.
- Added: Online activation license system.
- Added: Group permanent directories 'Archive' and 'Junk E-mail'.
- Added: WebMail sessions setting 'Enable Archive Button (Move to Directory)'.
- Added: WebMail default template.
- Updated: WebMail front end redesigned using the latest responsive web technologies.
- Updated: OpenSSL to version 1.0.2h.
- Updated: Group permanent directories enabled by default.
- Updated: User passwords can no longer be blank.
- Updated: User filter folders default to 'Junk E-mail' instead of 'Inbox'.
- Updated: SMTP Authentication is now enabled by default.
- Fixed: User Account Options setting 'Auto-Delete Mail After (days)' now has a minimum of 1.
- Removed: Support for old WebMail template modes and related settings.
- Removed: User WebMail Options setting 'WebMail Start Page'.
- Removed: User WebMail Options setting 'Forwarding Mails Mode'.
- Removed: Group setting 'Limit WebMail Access to Domain'.

Version 3.3.2 - 24th November 2016

- Updated: License validation will now work offline after first successful online validation.
- Updated: OpenSSL to version 1.0.2j.

Version 3.3.1 - 26th September 2016

- Fixed: SSL Import Certificate was not working correctly.

Version 3.3.0 - 14th September 2016

- Added: Online activation license system.
- Updated: OpenSSL to version 1.0.2h.

Version 3.2.7 - 8th November 2015

- Added: Setting to each listening service to select a specific SSL version.
- Added: Setting to Outgoing Mail and POP3 Retrievals to allow using a non-SSL connection when SSL connections fail.
- Updated: Outgoing Mail and POP3 Retrievals SSL mode settings to select a specific SSL version.
- Updated: Reintroduced support for SSL v2/3 for all listening services.
- Removed: General setting to select the TLS version used by all listening services.

Version 3.2.6 - 4th August 2015

- Added: General setting to select the TLS version used by listening services.
- Updated: Reintroduced support for SSL v2/3 for Outgoing Mail and POP3 Retrievals.

Version 3.2.5 - 16th July 2015

- Updated: OpenSSL to version 1.0.2d.
- Fixed: Windows 7 compatibility issues.

Version 3.2.4 - 1st July 2015

- Updated: OpenSSL to version 1.0.2c.

Version 3.2.3 - 13th May 2015

- Updated: Help manual to be fully online.
- Updated: OpenSSL to version 1.0.2a.
- Updated: Services, Filters and Accounts are automatically expanded in the admin dialog settings for easier access.
- Removed: DSBL and NJABL RBLs as these services are no longer available and would otherwise cause a false positive SPAM RBL-FAIL result.

Version 3.2.2 - 17th February 2015

- Fixed: Freeware mode now correctly runs after the initial 30 day trial period ends.

Version 3.2.1 - 4th February 2015

- Updated: OpenSSL to version 1.0.1L.
- Fixed: TLS mode for Outgoing Mail Route and Static Routes did not load correctly from file.
- Removed: AHBL RBL as this service is no longer available and would otherwise cause a false positive SPAM RBL-FAIL result.

Version 3.2.0 - 25th November 2014

- Added: Freeware mode that runs after the initial 30 day trial period ends.
- Removed: Expiry period on all newly purchased Ability Mail Server 3 licenses.

Version 3.1.4 - 31st October 2014

- Updated: OpenSSL to version 1.0.1j.
- Removed: Use of SSL 2 and 3 to address PoodleBleed vulnerabilities.

Version 3.1.3 - 4th September 2014

- Added: Digital signature to installation for greater security.
- Updated: OpenSSL to version 1.0.1i.

Version 3.1.2 - 18th April 2014

- Updated: OpenSSL to version 1.0.1g which includes the heartbleed vulnerability fix. Although no previous versions of Ability Mail Server were ever affected by this vulnerability.

Version 3.1.1 - 15th March 2013

- Added: WebMail rich text composing now correctly supports Chrome and Safari browsers.
- Updated: Content Filtering attachment blocking preset list.
- Fixed: SSL Certificate Import now correctly reads in certificate chain files.

Version 3.1.0 - 3rd January 2012

- Added: Mailing lists now permit the SMTP Sender to be set.
- Added: Automatic SMTP Line wrapping for badly formatted mails.
- Added: SSL Certificate chains are now supported.
- Updated: SMTP Commands now permit spaces after some commands, improving compatibility with specific SMTP clients.
- Fixed: General Bind to IP didn't support IPv6 formats.
- Fixed: Adding new users using the admin interface no longer causes incorrect tree alignment.
- Fixed: ODBC drivers could crash on Windows Vista and 7 due to old DLLs being included with installation.

Version 3.0.1 - 30th June 2011

- Updated: Software configuration to operate in release mode.

Version 3.0.0b - 8th June 2011

- Initial beta release of Ability Mail Server 3.
- Added: Support for IP version 6.
- Added: Monitoring process to quickly and automatically recover main process if a failure is detected.
- Added: Version 2 to 3 transfer tool.
- Updated: Larger and more friendly admin interface.
- Fixed: NT service could occasionally prevent the computer from rebooting.
- Fixed: Backup tool could occasionally produce corrupted export files.

Version 2.72 - 4th March 2011

- Added: Mime type support for common office files.
- Fixed: Webmail created emails will add attachments using the appropriate mime type.

Version 2.71 - 17th September 2010

- Added: Newly created SSL Certificates now use 4096 or 2048 bit keys and are signed using SHA.
- Added: Auto-Responses will not be sent in response to mails filtered by SPAM related user filters.
- Added: User block list can now permit approximate matching (e.g. *@baddomain.com).
- Added: RBLs will automatically be by-passed for local connections.
- Added: The Grey List White List can now include email addresses.
- Added: Field tag ####REVERSEFROMIP#### which produces IPs in reverse order (e.g. will become
- Updated: AVG presets for newer versions.
- Updated: SSL support.
- Updated: Passwords now support the * character.
- Updated: By default new groups will allow up to 20 custom filters per user.
- Updated: Filtering action 'Copy All Attachments to Directory' will now include the message ID instead of a random number in the file name.

Version 2.70 - 1st November 2009

- Added: Many new optimizations that allow the mail server run several times faster.
- Added: Transfer speeds are now greatly optimized and will now use maximum available bandwidth.
- Added: WebMail unread message count will now ignore the Deleted and Junk folders.
- Added: WebMail will not attempt to deliver read receipts when viewing mails within the Junk folder.
- Added: Dynamic web pages requested from WebMail now contain additional header lines to help reduce disruptive caching.
- Added: Many WebMail pages will now automatically place cursor focus on the appropriate text box.
- Added: To help prevent POP3 Retrieval blockages, the system will only attempt to download the same mail 3 times before moving onto the next mail.
- Added: Field Tag ####TOSUCCESSLIST#### which is used by Transmission Confirmation messages.
- Added: A new notification when editing SPAM Trap IP list, informing admin's that changes can take up to 2 hours to take effect.
- Updated: Increased default log size to 500 KB.
- Updated: Improved security of WebMail session IDs.
- Updated: Extended available field tags in the refuse messages for all SPAM filters.
- Fixed: SPAM White List did not correctly apply Custom Events to mails.
- Fixed: Bayesian database corruption could result in SMTP service not loading.
- Fixed: SPAM Trap IP list is now correctly monitored for changes.
- Fixed: SMTP will now allow the RSET command to be used before an AUTH command.
- Fixed: It is no longer possible to create a POP3 Retrieval without any delivery information.
- Fixed: Outgoing mail queue can now operate at maximum capacity.
- Fixed: Transmission Confirmation messages are now only sent once per mail rather than per attempt.
- Fixed: IMAP4 commands were not always correctly parsed when containing quotes within parentheses.
- Fixed: IMAP4 Fetch command could cause the mail server to crash.
- Fixed: IMAP4 Fetch command will now correctly stop processing mails if the client disconnects.
- Removed: SPAM preset SPAMBag.

Version 2.63 - 3rd September 2008

- Added: Outgoing Mail transmission confirmation. Does not guarantee delivery at the destination mail server.
- Updated: Norton Antivirus approved antivirus settings to work with the latest 2008 version.
- Updated: AVG approved antivirus settings to work with the latest version.
- Updated: Sender Domain Check is now only enabled with high level filtering.
- Updated: Grey Listing default and medium level accept window changed to between 1 and 360 minutes.
- Updated: Raised IMAP4 mail format limits to reduce the chance of a Bad Mail being generated.
- Updated: Admin interface now pre-selects String Contains as the default value for new filtering string match conditions and actions.
- Updated: WebMail File Store modified date now also shows the year.
- Fixed: IMAP4 commands with quotes could occasionally be parsed and processed incorrectly.

Version 2.62 - 15th April 2008

- Updated: ESET NOD32 preset antivirus scanner settings have been updated to work with the latest version.
- Updated: WebMail file store now opens text files in a separate window.
- Updated: LDAP database changes now prompt for a database file recompilation to avoid out of date database records.
- Updated: SSL certificate settings now allow the '&' character to be used.
- Updated: SPAM trap is now disabled via the SPAM wizard for low and medium level filtering.
- Fixed: SPAM RBL trigger count was not properly applied when setting the SPAM flag and custom events.
- Fixed: WebMail now correctly supports CSS files.
- Removed: SPAM Preset RBLs SPEWS and SORBS.

Version 2.61 - 7th November 2007

- Added: POP3 Retrievals can now use the SPAM White List and SPAM Black List.
- Added: SPAM White List can now add a custom event to the mail.
- Added: Field tags SPFRESULT and SPFREASON.
- Added: WebMail template tags FILEUPLOADED and IS_FILEUPLOADED.
- Added: WebMail now automatically sets focus onto the user text box during login.
- Added: Notification of successful file uploads to the File Store in WebMail.
- Added: Any missing user account directories will be automatically re-added should the user's config.ini file become corrupt.
- Updated: SPAM Transaction Delays now have more appropriate default settings.
- Updated: All SPAM Filter custom events are now disabled by default.
- Updated: F-Prot Antivirus preset settings have now been updated to work with the latest version.
- Updated: WebMail can now correctly handle unicode encoded URLs.
- Updated: SMTP now strips any bare LFs from mails to ensure other SMTPs accept the mails and also prevent POP3 downloading issues.
- Updated: Passwords now allow use of the ? character.
- Fixed: SMTP SPAM White List was not always correctly applied.
- Fixed: Static Route lifetime and resend delay values weren't always correctly applied.
- Fixed: Messages being changed to a blank string caused the application to crash.
- Fixed: WebMail Auto-Signups from a cloned user were given the clone's personal data and password reset information.
- Fixed: IMAP4 commands with malformed number list ranges could occasionally cause the application to crash.
- Fixed: User Exclusive List filter did not take into account Shared Address Book contacts.
- Fixed: Some settings weren't properly disabled by the license in the dialog admin and remote admin interfaces.

Version 2.60 - 19th July 2007

- Added: SPAM filter White List.
- Added: SPAM filter Black List.
- Added: SPAM filter Grey List.
- Added: SPAM filter SPAM Trap.
- Added: SPAM filter Transaction Delays.
- Added: SPAM filter Sender Domain Check.
- Added: range of Preset RBLs.
- Added: RBL setting to control trigger count.
- Added: All SPAM filters can now be disabled with a single tick box.
- Added: Wizard to configure SPAM filters.
- Added: Two new field tags ####ATTACHMENTSCOMMALIST#### and ####ATTACHMENTSLIST####.
- Updated: RBLs are now performed on the first RCPT TO command to improve efficiency.
- Updated: Bayesian database token limit has been increased to 1,500,000.
- Updated: Tarpitting is now part of SPAM Filtering to enable the use of SPAM White Listing.
- Updated: WebMail login domain list now only shows enabled normal and alias domains.
- Updated: Auto-responses now use the WebMail charset.
- Fixed: Importing from version 1 could cause a crash.
- Fixed: Certain MX domains without MX records could cause a crash.
- Fixed: NT service start could fail due to no quotes being placed around execution path.
- Fixed: Links within read mail would not display correctly in WebMail when using Opera.
- Fixed: If computer clock was set back, Bayesian database could potentially be reset.

Version 2.58 - 18th April 2007

- Added: Support for Windows Vista.
- Added: Setting for backup domains to control the list of allowed users. Allows front end SMTP support.
- Added: Anti-hammering white list.
- Added: WebMail setting to restrict the number of recipients in composed mails.
- Added: SPF settings to control behavior over the results NONE, NEUTRAL and TEMPERROR.
- Added: SMTP security setting to only allow acceptance of mail from clients with relaying access.
- Added: IMAP4 setting to automatically EXPUNGE/Purge deleted mails.
- Added: Automatic POP3 Retrievals can now be manually triggered from within the admin interface.
- Added: Antivirus setting to control thread priority of the antivirus application.
- Added: Antivirus setting to control behavior of failed scan attempts.
- Added: Antivirus setting to control scanning of mail body parts.
- Added: Antivirus and Content Filtering action to rename the SMTP sender.
- Added: 'Kaspersky Antivirus' to approved antivirus scanners.
- Added: Log entry if an RBL causes a delay.
- Added: Setting to all IP lists that allows detection of locally assigned IPs.
- Updated: The 30 day trial now permits 500 users.
- Updated: Displaying of only 10,000 mails per folder has now been increased to 50,000.
- Updated: Some mails with incorrectly formatted mail headers could prevent correct parsing of multipart mails.
- Fixed: Renaming a domain could occasionally cause user alias addresses to be reset.
- Fixed: Trailing spaces after address book nicknames are now removed.
- Fixed: Minor IMAP4 STORE command issue.
- Fixed: Mails that are pure attachments are now correctly supported.
- Removed: Preset RBL ORDB.

Version 2.57 - 23rd August 2006

- Added: WebMail charsets Windows-1250, Windows-1251 and Windows-1252.
- Added: Redirection setting to allow the redirection address list to be cycled (disperse mail equally).
- Added: Admin interface now displays the number of users currently being shown.
- Updated: SSL connections now only permit strong ciphers.
- Updated: Outgoing mail connections now use all available IPs for a host name.
- Fixed: Outgoing mail connections which timed out could result in other addresses in the mail failing without a delivery attempt.
- Fixed: WebMail address books could only add a maximum of 1000 contacts to a group.

Version 2.56 - 30th May 2006

- Added: User setting to allow control over From address on composed mails.
- Added: Field tag 'ORIGHEADERTEXT' for Edit Header Field filter action.
- Updated: Mails using '_' encoding in mail headers are now supported.
- Updated: User level custom filters are now performed first to allow white listing.
- Fixed: ODBC loading issue which could cause connections to databases to fail.
- Fixed: SSLv2 disabling caused compatibility issues with some clients.
- Fixed: PLAIN Authentication method could occasionally fail.

Version 2.55 - 21st March 2006

- Added: General setting to allow loading and initializing of the NT service to be delayed.
- Added: General security setting to disable SSL version 2.
- Added: POP3 Retrieval setting to convert bare LFs into CRLF pairs.
- Added: POP3 Retrieval setting to control which headers are used for mail header delivery.
- Added: Outgoing Mail setting to allow MX lookups to fall back onto parent domains.
- Added: Content Filtering and Antivirus Filtering actions to remove SPAM flag and custom events.
- Updated: WebMail folder view now includes the year in the received date.
- Updated: WebMail attachment viewing and HTML links open in a new window.
- Updated: WebMail now blocks return key form submitting.
- Updated: SMTP now blocks blank recipients.
- Updated: Notices and failure messages generated by Ability Mail Server now all contain a received line.
- Fixed: Nicknames which included a ',' could not be parsed by WebMail.
- Fixed: WebMail domain admin page had several minor updating issues.
- Fixed: Spelling error in WebMail.

Version 2.54 - 27th January 2006

- Added: Group setting to control maximum number of redirections per user.
- Added: WebMail setting to control whether the anti-bot security code image is displayed on the sign-up page.
- Added: 'Eset NOD32' to approved antivirus scanners.
- Added: Mailing list setting to restrict triggering to only users on the delivery list.
- Added: POP3 retrieval setting to restrict mail header delivery to existent users.
- Updated: File uploads to WebMail were limited to 100MB. The limit will now be equal to the general settings max mail size.
- Updated: WebMail users can add multiple redirection addresses and also set the 'Still Deliver' setting.
- Updated: WebMail composed mails now have a 'Received' line inserted.
- Updated: WebMail address book contact names will be formatted into the To and Cc lines in composed mails.
- Updated: Base64 encoded attachments which contain additional invalid characters can still be decoded.
- Fixed: ODBC table creation in Microsoft SQL could fail.
- Fixed: Uploaded files to WebMail which contained a '+' character could not be viewed or deleted.
- Fixed: POP3 'LIST' and 'UIDL' commands listed mails in the wrong order.

Version 2.53 - 18th November 2005

- Updated: SMTP now supports 'postmaster' in the RCPT TO:<> command.
- Updated: Default SMTP setting Max Recipients Per Mail has been increased to 128.
- Fixed: Incorrectly formatted mails could cause CPU spikes.
- Fixed: Importing SSL certificates with password protected keys could cause the interface to hang.

Version 2.52 - 3rd November 2005

- Added: 'CA eTrust Antivirus' to approved antivirus scanners.
- Added: SMTP setting to convert bare LFs into CRLF pairs.
- Added: Local IP binding in Outgoing Mails.
- Added: WebMail 'Empty Folder' button on Edit Folders page.
- Added: WebMail setting to control session ID security mechanisms.
- Added: WebMail setting to control drafts behavior.
- Added: WebMail address book import and export facility.
- Added: User address book import and export facility.
- Added: Shared address book import and export facility.
- Added: 'Add Users' button to automatically fill shared address books with users.
- Added: User and domain import and export facility.
- Updated: 'F-Prot Antivirus' in approved antivirus scanners.
- Updated: Users and mailing lists can no longer be accidentally moved to alias or backup domains.
- Updated: Remote Admin user and mailing list pages now behave like the dialog interface.
- Updated: Remote Admin user editing now returns to the correct page number after saving or canceling.
- Updated: Users can no longer be cloned onto alias or backup domains.
- Updated: Extended SPF security limits to all DNS lookups.
- Fixed: New changes to accounts didn't get exported correctly.
- Fixed: Outgoing mails still tried to deliver to email addresses that had no domain.
- Fixed: User POP3 Retrieval test button didn't use new settings.

Version 2.51 - 14th October 2005

- Added: POP3 Retrievals setting 'Leave a Copy of Mails on the Server'.
- Added: Automatic POP3 retrievals can now re-deliver to addresses in the retrieved mail's header.
- Added: POP3 Retrievals now enforce a hop count limit.
- Added: POP3 Retrievals can now use the bayesian filter.
- Added: User POP3 retrievals now check that the account is not full.
- Added: Mails retrieved through POP3 Retrievals now have the SMTP sender set.
- Added: WebMail setting to disable domain setting list on login page.
- Added: Mail loop and infinite bounce protection system.
- Added: Message to deal with mail loop failure notices.
- Updated: DNS Lookups are now performed over UDP.
- Updated: SMTP NOOP command now allows parameters for greater client compatibility.
- Updated: WebMail manual POP3 Retrieval triggering will check the account is not full first.
- Updated: After successfully manually triggering POP3 Retrievals in WebMail, the return link will refresh the folder.
- Updated: WebMail 'Reply to All' button will not add the users own email address to the newly composed mail.
- Updated: WebMail session pages now will inform the web browser of the users selected charset.
- Updated: Auto-responses now obey the Reply-To field.
- Fixed: Occasionally folders displayed in the folder list would link to the login page.
- Fixed: Changes to the general Anti-hammering settings had no effect.
- Fixed: After 50 days of non-stop running, the mail server could crash.
- Fixed: Viewing the manual in NT service mode could cause the interface to hang for a short period.
- Fixed: Some WebMail spelling errors.
- Fixed: WebMail Advanced settings icon did not correctly link.
- Fixed: Missing installation files could cause file browsing in the dialog interface to hang.
- Fixed: IMAP4 STORE command did not always correctly set the mail flags.

Version 2.50 - 22nd September 2005

- Added: 'Enhanced' WebMail system. Featuring:
- Added: WebMail - New tag system which supports conditional tags, server side includes and custom tags.
- Added: WebMail - Easy control over color scheme.
- Added: WebMail - HTML mail composing and embedded images.
- Added: WebMail - Importance level on composed mails.
- Added: WebMail - Character encoding control on composed mails.
- Added: WebMail - Saving composed mails as a draft.
- Added: WebMail - Signatures for replies and forwarding.
- Added: WebMail - Correctly view attached mails.
- Added: WebMail - Printable mail.
- Added: WebMail - Requesting, sending and receiving of read receipts.
- Added: WebMail - Block and Junk buttons.
- Added: WebMail - IMAP4 accessible sub folders.
- Added: WebMail - Unread mail count in folder list.
- Added: WebMail - Folder searching.
- Added: WebMail - Numbered page selection.
- Added: WebMail - 'To' field display in Sent folder.
- Added: WebMail - Start page selection.
- Added: WebMail - Automated password resetting.
- Added: WebMail - Required fields during sign-up.
- Added: WebMail - Anti-bot security code image.
- Added: WebMail - Domain administrators.
- Added: WebMail - Redirection control.
- Added: WebMail - Address book groups.
- Added: WebMail - File store.
- Added: Users can now login with alias email addresses.
- Added: RBL Preset 'SPAMCop'.
- Added: Domain administrators.
- Updated: Logging of failed login attempts is now more descriptive.
- Updated: Mime types now correctly describe Microsoft Office file types.
- Fixed: If the maximum number of users, domains or mailing lists were reached, it wasn't possible to rename a user, domain or mailing list.
- Fixed: Some remote POP3 servers could cause POP3 Retrievals to hang, resulting in mail retrieval for that account being paused until reboot.
- Fixed: Mailing lists which were acting as a catch-all resulted in unnecessary warning when saving settings.
- Fixed: An email retrieved by POP3 Retrievals which was larger than the General mail size limit did not generate a failure message.
- Fixed: Attempting to access the manual while in NT service mode was not possible.
- Fixed: If Outgoing Mails system was disabled, this could occasionally result in a crash.
- Removed: IMAP4 'AUTH LOGIN' method which could cause some clients to be unable to access IMAP4.

Version 2.23 - 24th June 2005

- Added: 'eScan Antivirus' to approved antivirus scanners.
- Fixed: Outlook express could occasionally fail to delete newly arrived mails when using IMAP4.
- Fixed: Binding to an IP would unnecessarily cause listening ports to temporarily close and re-open during re-initialization.
- Fixed: Content Filter action 'Add Signature' did not correctly perform quoted-printable encoding.

Version 2.22 - 27th May 2005

- Added: Norton Antivirus to approved antivirus scanners.
- Updated: MX and SPF lookups can better handle DNS responses which don't fully conform to the standard.
- Updated: By default, new domains are now configured to not relay mails for nonexistent users.
- Fixed: Corrupt SSL certificates could cause the dialog interface to crash.
- Fixed: IMAP4 FETCH command inefficiency, which could cause slow downloading of large mails.
- Fixed: IMAP4 APPEND command could occasionally fail.

Version 2.21 - 13th May 2005

- Added: SPF settings to add custom events for SOFTFAIL and PASS results.
- Added: Lists of IPs now also allow hosts and reverse IP lookups to be used.
- Added: Content Filtering condition 'Bayesian Score'.
- Added: Content Filtering preset 'Add Signature to Outgoing Mails'.
- Added: Content Filtering and Antivirus Filtering action 'Add Signature'.
- Added: ClamWin Antivirus to approved antivirus scanners.
- Updated: By default, the bayesian filter will not be configured to refuse mails at the SMTP.
- Updated: Lists of IPs now permit editing of entries.
- Updated: Email addresses and user names are now permitted to contain the '=' character.
- Fixed: Bayesian auto-learn from users would not always correctly delete SPAM mails.
- Fixed: Bayesian auto-learn from users could trigger even when disabled.
- Fixed: Alias domains did not correctly deliver mail to alias email addresses.

Version 2.20 - 30th April 2005

- Added: Bayesian SPAM filter.
- Added: Field tag: BAYESIANSCORE.
- Added: Manual page: Tutorial: Preventing SPAM.
- Fixed: Outgoing Mails DNS auto-detect mode could occasionally fail to perform MX Lookups.
- Removed: The 2 older SPAM filtering methods which did little to reduce SPAM.

Version 2.19 - 18th April 2005

- Added: SPF Safe IP list to enable correct support for backup mail servers and trusted relays.
- Added: Setting to only allow login with the full email address. Allows the same user and password pairs to exist multiple times.
- Updated: Updating the installation can be performed while the mail server is still online.
- Updated: Mails rejected at the SMTP due to SPAM rules now also count towards daily limits.
- Updated: A more appropriate error message is given when users cannot be added to a domain.
- Fixed: If the Outgoing Mail service was not enabled, outbound mails would disappear without a failure message.
- Fixed: DNS Cache did not correctly store SPF results.
- Fixed: An email received on the SMTP which was larger than the General mail size limit did not generate a failure message.
- Fixed: IMAP4 Mozilla compatibility issue.

Version 2.18 - 1st April 2005

- Added: Sender Policy Framework (SPF) support.
- Added: DNS Cache to improve performance of MX and SPF lookups.
- Updated: All filtering services and SPAM filters have been moved to a new 'Filters' section.
- Updated: DNS 'Test' button in Outgoing Mails settings now can also test 'Auto-Detect' mode.
- Fixed: User custom filters 'from address' matching performed an exact match rather than a containment match.

Version 2.17 - 17th March 2005

- Added: Display formatting methods for the users section in the dialog interface.
- Updated: Various minor interface improvements.

Version 2.16 - 5th March 2005

- Added: Warning message to help prevent accidental overwriting of already existing account directories.
- Added: '<All Domains>' filter setting to users and mailing lists sections in interface.
- Added: 8bitmime support to SMTP.
- Added: SSL Version 3 support.
- Added: Group settings to allow failure mails to be sent back to sender if the mail is too large or the account is full.
- Added: Domain setting to prevent potential mail loops.
- Updated: STARTTLS command in SMTP connections can now be performed before the EHLO command.
- Updated: Users and mailing lists are now displayed with the domain to help improve administration.
- Fixed: Auto detection of DNS entries occasionally did not correctly read the windows registry.
- Fixed: Running in NT Service mode could result in the interface not displaying correctly.
- Fixed: When selecting a 'Browse' button and when running in NT Service mode could result in an unnecessary error message.
- Fixed: Switching between NT service mode and application mode could occasionally fail.
- Fixed: Running the import tool or setup wizard didn't trigger a re-initialization of the mail server.
- Fixed: IMAP4 FETCH command did not correctly return the body text.
- Fixed: IMAP4 did not correctly inform clients that STARTTLS was supported.
- Fixed: IMAP4 partial fetching and body structure responses did not fully conform to the standard.
- Removed: Reloading of settings and accounts when accessing Remote Admin. This could cause unnecessary delays.

Version 2.15 - 11th February 2005

- Added: Warning when SMTP Authentication is not correctly configured.
- Updated: Interface is now more manageable and easier to navigate.
- Fixed: Invalid license error message would occur during start up when mail server was not set to automatically initialize.
- Removed: Reloading of settings and accounts when accessing the settings area of the interface. This could cause unnecessary delays.

Version 2.14 - 18th January 2005

- Added: Group setting to allow restrictions on WebMail mail composing to external addresses.
- Updated: Bad mail reporting should now be reduced.
- Fixed: Some additional keys were incorrectly displayed in the license settings.
- Fixed: Content Filtering 'Header Line Matches' occasionally incorrectly triggered with 'Does Not Contain' method.

Version 2.13 - 15th December 2004

- Added: Thread pooling to improve efficiency.
- Added: General setting to control thread pool size.
- Updated: Group mail sending limits now also effect WebMail.
- Fixed: Secure login methods incorrectly rejected login attempts when the email address was used as the username.

Version 2.12 - 25th November 2004

- Added: Clone user setting.
- Added: Group settings to control the default and permanent directories of associated accounts.
- Added: WebMail setting to clone a user when creating a new sign-up account.
- Added: Preset RBL setting 'Spamhaus XBL'.
- Updated: Remote Admin with several minor visual improvements.
- Updated: Logging efficiency.
- Updated: Group limits on maximum account allocation and mail size are turned off by default.
- Updated: Attempting to delete the Inbox in WebMail and IMAP4 results in a more helpful failure response.
- Fixed: Windows 2003 installations could result in CPU time running constantly at 100%.

Version 2.11 - 29th October 2004

- Added: Full Remote Admin service.
- Added: Add List buttons for several email address based list controls.
- Added: Support for '[IP]' domain names.
- Updated: Popup dialog for adding existing email addresses now can select multiple addresses.
- Updated: Popup dialog for adding domains, groups and shared address books now allows multiple items to be selected.
- Updated: Collapsing of branches containing currently edited items is now handled much better.
- Updated: Hitting Enter key used to close the dialog interface settings when not always appropriate. This is now ignored.
- Updated: Altered a couple of titles within the dialog interface for better clarity of their meaning.
- Updated: Email address validation checking.
- Updated: Improved macintosh browser compatibility with WebMail and Remote Admin.
- Fixed: Backup Tool sometimes displayed estimate file sizes incorrectly.
- Fixed: License keys entered using the dialog interface and loaded from file are now forced to uppercase for better license handling.
- Fixed: User settings check now ignores the personal data email address.
- Fixed: Auto re-initializing no longer temporarily closes ports as this could allow other applications to snatch the ports.
- Fixed: Spelling error in WebMail template 'original' filters page.

Version 2.10 (Official Release) - 5th October 2004

- Added: Directory / file cleanup tool.
- Added: Enabled / disabled icons for tree items and list controls in the dialog interface.
- Added: Right-click menus for tree items and list controls in the dialog interface.
- Added: Right-click menu for the system tray icon.
- Added: Delete key and double click handling for list controls.
- Added: Multi-select list controls in the dialog interface to allow actions such as deleting to be performed on multiple items at once.
- Added: Update wizard to help keep your mail server up to date and secure.
- Added: Remote Admin part 1. Allows access to status, accounts and logs.
- Added: Warning to AMS 1 transfer tool which indicates when the version 1 User/Login setting is ignored.
- Added: 'Buy Now' button when the trial license is close to expiring or has expired.
- Updated: Users are now shown as disabled in the dialog interface if their group is disabled.
- Updated: Content filtering SPAM identifier preset rule now only inserts <spam> into subject if not already present.
- Updated: Dialog interface now re-synchronizes to reflect changes made by other administrators editing at the same time.
- Updated: Groups of users will now only be displayed 500 at a time in the dialog interface for better performance.
- Updated: Overwriting of old INI files now uses operating system truncation method for more reliable file access.
- Updated: Modifying accounts from multiple mail servers (clustering setups) is now protected against potential overwrites.
- Updated: WebMail template 'Original' has been given several visual improvements.
- Updated: 'NT Service Currently Running' prompt now has a shortcut to open Remote Admin.
- Fixed: Content filter condition for checking if an account exists locally did not save to file correctly.
- Fixed: AMS 1 transfer tool now safely handles periods ('.') in folder names.
- Fixed: LDAP database compiling could occasionally use the wrong email address when compiling by group or domain.
- Fixed: User POP3 retrievals and address books had unintended loading limits.
- Fixed: Renaming of users which failed due to incorrect settings still actually got renamed.
- Removed: Excessive character checking in ODBC table and field names.

Version 2.05b - 3rd September 2004

- Added: Custom events to mails for inter-service communication.
- Added: SMTP, POP3 Retrievals and WebMail now pre-insert a custom event to allow content filtering to determine the source of the mail.
- Added: Domains now allow you to select a catch-all user and also give a warning when a catch-all user does not exist.
- Added: setting to insert preset RBL. Added support for ORDB, SPEWS and Spamhaus.
- Added: SPAM filters now support custom events.
- Added: POP3 Retrievals setting to insert a 'Received:' header line.
- Added: POP3 Retrievals setting to restrict number of mails per connection.
- Added: Custom event condition to content filtering.
- Added: Custom event action to filtering.
- Added: Filtering action to send copy of mails. This is useful for sending a copy of an mail before other actions modify it.
- Added: All content filtering specific actions to antivirus filtering.
- Added: Avast! and McAfee antivirus products to approved antivirus scanners.
- Added: Filtering field tags: RULENAME and SCANNERNAME.
- Added: Backup facility for importing / exporting AMS 2 settings.
- Updated: Main application icon.
- Updated: Preset content filter rule for attachment blocking now sends a notification to the sender before editing the original subject.
- Updated: Preset default antivirus scanner now sends a notification to the sender before editing the original subject.
- Updated: Settings checking is performed only when required (disabled settings will usually be ignored).
- Updated: Failure mails now by-pass filtering. Previously some were filtered and some were not.
- Updated: By default the NT Service mode now leaves the dialog interface enabled.
- Updated: AMS 1 transfer tool now allows transferring of mails separately (allowing administrators to transfer mails at a later date).
- Updated: If Ability Mail Server 1 is currently running in NT Service mode, you will be given the opportunity to close the service.
- Updated: Multiple instances of Ability Mail Server are now detected through a 'sync' file. This protects against XP style user switching and also remote network execution.
- Updated: Each RBL now allows you individual control over what actions occur if that RBL triggers.
- Updated: New RBLs now have helpful default settings.
- Updated: WebMail mail reading text view now wraps lines over 100 characters long rather than 76 to display mails more correctly.
- Updated: Automatic saving when closing the application now only saves files that do not exist.
- Updated: Reordered content filter conditions.
- Updated: Reordered filtering actions.
- Updated: Filtering preset rule / scanner notifications to use the new STRIPPEDPARTSLIST field tag.
- Updated: All content filter conditions, filtering actions and antivirus scanners to use field tags as much as possible.
- Fixed: Some 'max' settings could wrongly be set to 0.
- Fixed: WebMail logout actions incorrectly resulted in a bad request being sent.
- Fixed: WebMail mail reading source view could temporarily prevent that mail from being deleted or moved.
- Fixed: POP3 Retrievals caused an unacceptable burst of CPU and hard drive activity when large volumes of mails were downloaded.
- Fixed: POP3 Retrievals could trigger multiple downloads from the same account simultaneously, often leading to multiple copies of the same mail being downloaded.
- Fixed: IMAP4 uploading could cause the mail server to crash when account allocation reached.
- Fixed: Domain and user wizards did not cause accounts to be saved to file correctly.
- Fixed: POP3 responded incorrectly to a LIST command with no mail index parameter.
- Removed: RBL flag, which has now been replaced by custom events.

Version 2.04b - 25th August 2004

- Added: Test buttons for ODBC, POP3 retrievals, user POP3 retrievals, outgoing route and static routes.
- Added: Test DNS facility for auto-detected DNSs in outgoing mail and static routes.
- Added: Delete base key setting in license settings to allow uninstalling of the base key.
- Added: Action to place mail into a specified account directory in filtering services.
- Added: 'Does Not Contain' match type to all sub string search conditions and actions in filtering services.
- Added: Preset content filter rules to help set up content filtering.
- Added: Preset antivirus scanner to help set up antivirus filtering.
- Added: Field tag which formats addresses into mail envelope style address lists. Useful for the 'Edit Header' action in filtering services.
- Added: Security setting in general settings to limit the maximum number of connections per IP. This will help prevent DOS attacks.
- Added: SMTP setting which allows insertion of the 'for' field in the received line.
- Added: WebMail mail reading now also allows viewing of the mail's source.
- Added: WebMail composing now allows editing of the 'From' address. This can be restricted using a new group setting.
- Added: WebMail setting to insert an 'X-Originating-IP' header line into composed mails.
- Added: WebMail security setting to disable HTML mail reading.
- Added: Outgoing Mail setting to restrict the number of recipients per mail transaction.
- Updated: Combined header line conditions in content filtering into a single condition which additionally allows any custom header field.
- Updated: Edit Header action in filtering services now allows any custom header field.
- Updated: Group account and mail limits are now settingal, defaulting to general settings if not enabled.
- Updated: User SPAM settings will now be disabled in the dialog interface when the license does not permit use of SPAM, Content Filtering or Antivirus Filtering.
- Updated: Most settings are now only checked when enabled.
- Updated: MX Lookup tool now uses the Outgoing Mail settings if possible.
- Updated: Boolean values stored in INI files will be classed as true when the value is anything but 0.
- Updated: Mails created within the Ability Mail Server will now correctly encode mail header fields when 8 bit characters are present.
- Updated: Tag processing is now more efficient.
- Updated: Version 1 transfer tool now also supports type-less attachment blocking.
- Updated: WebMail filtering settings will now hide the SPAM settings when the license does not permit use of SPAM, Content Filtering or Antivirus Filtering.
- Updated: WebMail templates now support 800x600 resolutions correctly.
- Updated: The group setting to limit WebMail access to a particular domain will now redirect to the correct domain rather than blocking access.
- Updated: A mail can only be delivered once to each account. This helps protect catch-all accounts from receiving the same mail multiple times.
- Updated: If the Outgoing Mail service is configured to relay by default, it will now operate much more efficiently.
- Updated: Closing the settings dialog using the cross or 'Alt-F4' is now handled the same as pressing the close button or escape.
- Fixed: Help links to site were wrongly generated.
- Fixed: Save button wrongly enabled following a certain sequence of events.
- Fixed: Subject messages in the 'Messages' settings would break the generated mail if they contained line breaks. Line breaks are now stripped from subjects.
- Fixed: LDAP did not correctly record login failure events which effectively disabled anti-hammering for LDAP connections.
- Fixed: WebMail mail reading didn't correctly display Base64 encoded mail bodies.
- Fixed: Mailing lists which modified the 'From' or 'Reply-To' mail header fields didn't correctly format the email address.
- Fixed: dialog interface tree item selecting could fail to update to the correct page following a certain sequence of events.
- Fixed: User directory lists were not always accurate in the dialog interface.
- Fixed: WebMail mail composing didn't always correctly parse address book nick names in the To, Cc or Bcc address boxes.

Version 2.03b - 13th August 2004

- Added: HTML Help manual.
- Added: setting to hide application window' in antivirus scanner, content filtering 'Application Result' condition and filtering 'Execute Application' action.
- Added: Facility to add existing users to POP3Retrieval delivery addresses, filtering recipient actions and user redirections.
- Added: Mailing List Auto-Add subject trigger.
- Updated: WebMail auto-signup domains uses a combo box for the domain.
- Updated: Moved Antivirus Filtering 'Scan Outgoing Mail' to Antivirus Scanner with a clearer 3-way radio button selection.
- Updated: Most fields now support field tags.
- Updated: SMTP acceptance of email address formats. Now it accepts anything.
- Fixed: Domain specific templates always resulted in a 404 page.
- Fixed: If the default auto-response subject message contained line breaks, webmail automatic sign-ups wouldn't allow new accounts to be created.

Version 2.02b - 9th August 2004

- Added: Automatic initialization is no longer performed when a running instance of version 1 is detected.
- Added: Mailing lists auto-add setting requires a blank subjected email.
- Added: Vertical scroll bar to Mailing List Delivery 'Add List' dialog.
- Added: Title for POP3 retrievals list control.
- Added: Warning to disable other antivirus products before performing a test scan.
- Added: Count for mailing list delivery addresses.
- Fixed: SSL type connections were unable to parse incoming commands correctly.
- Fixed: SMTP incorrectly reported STARTTLS setting when it was disabled.
- Fixed: SMTP Authentication did not accept full email addresses as the username.
- Fixed: SMTP refused some email addresses that should normally be acceptable.
- Fixed: 'ODBC Create Table' button now uses a more compatible SQL request.
- Fixed: SSL create certificate field ordering is now consistent with other dialogs containing similar fields.
- Fixed: Several radio buttons were not tab-stop selectable.
- Fixed: Tab ordering on Wizard User Personal Data dialog.
- Fixed: SMTP SPAM rejection message did not disable when mail was to be rejected.
- Fixed: User account settings 'Auto-Delete After' setting did not disable when save deleted item was disabled.
- Fixed: Renamed several filtering condition and action names for clarity.
- Fixed: Renamed several dialog items for clarity.
- Removed: '%s' tag in Filtering 'Execute Application' actions as this is a temporary file which will disappear.

Version 2.01b - 2nd August 2004

- Initial beta release of Ability Mail Server 2.